Earn rewards on FORE as a CREATOR

FORE Predict is designed to empower users to create their own markets directly related to real-world outcomes. As a market creator, you have the power to shape your market in any way you see fit. Anyone can become a market creator without prior experience. Creating a market on FORE Predict provides a lower-risk way to participate in prediction markets while earning rewards. As a creator, you don't need to risk your own funds by taking positions in the market. Instead, you can utilize your creativity and vision to develop exciting new prediction markets that attract a wide range of participants. You have complete control over your markets as a creator, allowing you to set up multiple markets for any real-world event and make money regardless of the outcome.

FORE Predict enables you to create prediction markets on various topics, including sports, weather, politics, and more. In traditional markets, the percentage of fees usually goes to the bookmakers and odd makers. However, at FORE, you become the house when you create a market. Whether you have insights into upcoming events or want to explore new trends, FORE Predict provides the tools to bring your ideas to life. Market creators are incentivized 0.5% of the total market payout, irrespective of the outcome. There's no need to worry about position-taking or market swings. 

Earnings through market creation are not only determined by rewards, but also by the size of your market. By driving traffic and attracting more participants, you can further increase your rewards. The popularity of your market directly influences your potential earnings, as creating a highly popular market can lead to exponential growth in earnings. To ensure the success of your market, it is essential for market creators to promote their markets and attract additional participants, as earnings dynamically adjust to market interest and participation.

- Create Compelling Markets:
As a market creator, your main goal should be to create unique and compelling prediction markets that will attract a large number of participants. The more participants your market has, the higher your earnings will be. Make sure your market is relevant and interesting to your target audience.
- Market Your Markets:
To attract participants to your market, you need to actively promote it. Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to spread the word about your market. The more you market your market, the more participants you will attract.
- Shorter Range of Results and Reliable Sources
: Consider creating markets with a shorter range of results, which can help you earn faster. It's also important to ensure that your markets are clear and have a reliable source of results to avoid any disputes or invalid markets.
- Liquidity and Market Positioning:
As a creator, providing initial liquidity is optional but you also have the option to take a position in your own market, which can help increase liquidity and attract more participants. You can either place 100% of your FORE on a single outcome or weight it. The initial odds are set at 1:1, but you can tailor them to determine the market's starting odds.
Market Structure:
In FORE’s first iteration, it’s crucial to ensure that your market outcome is answerable by a simple yes or no, which makes it easier for participants to understand and reduces the potential for disputes.  To cater to user demand, FORE has designed a variety of market structures, including categorical, ordered, floating point, and parlay markets.
Participate in Other Markets:
Participating in other markets can help you to gain a better understanding of how prediction markets work. It can also help you to build relationships with other users on the platform. By participating in other markets, you may also be able to identify trends and opportunities that you can capitalize on with your own markets.
Stay Active:
To maximize your earnings as a market creator, you need to stay active on the platform. This means creating new markets, participating in existing markets, and engaging with other users. The more active you are, the more opportunities you will have to earn.
Stay Informed:
Finally, it is important to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the world of prediction markets. This will help you to create markets that are relevant and interesting to your target audience. It will also help you to stay ahead of the competition.

With FORE Predict, the possibilities are endless. Become a creator and explore a whole new world of opportunities in the prediction market space. To learn more about the creator role on FORE Predict or how to get started with creating your unique prediction markets, visit the following resources: 

FORE Protocol official website
FORE Protocol documentation
Creating a Market on FORE Predict

FORE Protocol, and FORE Predict, is powered by FORE token. FORE token is available for trading on MEXC, Uniswap and RocketX. FORE Predict mainnet will be live following the completion of our security audit.

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