FORE Secured 9.8/10 Audit Score from Hacken

Securing FORE’s people-powered ecosystem has always been, and will always continue to be, of paramount importance to the FORE team. Rigorous evaluation of the extensive smart contracts underpinning FORE Predict’s decentralized platform was no small feat, but the wait is over. FORE Predict’s much anticipated security audit has been completed by leading auditor Hacken. Hacken's expertise showcases a remarkably low incident rate among their projects, and their clientele features over 100 of the top 500 crypto projects in terms of market capitalization.

After rigorous evaluation, Hacken has ranked FORE Predict with a score of 9.8/10. The findings highlight not only our dedication to the highest standard of security, but also confirms the platform’s ability to protect our users' assets and activity. The comprehensive report will soon be published on Hacken's website, and the report summary can be found below:

According to Hacken’s assessment, the FORE Predict smart contract has scored 9.8/10

Security score:
10 out of 10.
Documentation quality:
10 out of 10. 
Code quality:
9 out of 10.
Test coverage:
Code coverage is 100% (branch coverage).
- Deployment and basic user interactions are covered with tests. 
- Negative cases coverage is present.
- Interactions with several users are tested thoroughly. 

With these critical audits now complete with near-perfect scores, we can move forward and begin to onboard users into a secure, people-powered predictions ecosystem. We're excited to share this milestone with you, and we appreciate your unwavering support as we continue to prioritize security, innovation, and excellence. Get ready for a new world of predictions - one that is safely in your hands.


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