Whether as a creator, player, or analyst, earn your place on FORE’s leaderboard by Christmas Day to win a share of 15,000 FORE.

In the eleven days since FORE Predict’s launch, you’ve earned rewards by creating, participating in, and validating hundreds of markets successfully. Now, we’re ready to kick activity up a notch and reward the most active participants in FORE’s ecosystem.

FORE’s leaderboard was created to allow you to understand your performance alongside other players, creators, and analysts - creating an ecosystem fueled by social exchange and competition. 

On Christmas Day, a snapshot will be taken of the leaderboard and participating wallet addresses will be rewarded with a share of 15,000 FORE depending on their position in the leaderboard. Additionally, the top creators, players, and analysts will earn an Analyst NFT.

How it works:

- Simply create, participate in, and/or validate markets to level up the leaderboard
- The same wallet address can earn rewards in all three categories to maximize earnings
- There is no minimum or maximum participation amount to enter, enabling new users to climb up the rankings
- All visible wallet addresses on the leaderboard will win a share of 15,000 FORE, depending on their position (see table below).
- The competition will run for two weeks: a snapshot will be taken 12:00 UTC 12/25
- FORE and NFT rewards will be distributed that same week

Start creating markets | Learn how
Start taking a position in markets | Learn how
Start validating markets | Learn how 

Check your leaderboard ranking.


Generate ~900% APR in a sustainable way by simply validating prediction markets on FORE Predict.

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