Ready Player FORE.

Step into the future of decentralized prediction markets with Ready Player FORE - your gateway to find your ideal role in the dynamic predictions ecosystem of FORE Predict. For the first time, FORE Predict will enable you to capture a share of the value of the growing predictions industry, rather than the exploitative centralized entities that have dominated this space for so long. Whether as a player, creator, or validator, the future of predictions awaits you on FORE!

As we move closer to our mainnet launch, find out what role(s) you’re most suited to on FORE Predict’s peer-to-peer ecosystem based on your risk profile (how likely you are to take risks) and how to maximize your earnings in this role.

Player: You’re all about high-risk, high-reward and enjoy the thrill of taking a position in markets. We’ve created a predictions platform that allows you to take risks in a more responsible way: with market-determined odds, zero counterparty risk, incredibly low fees, and transparent and trustless payout. On FORE Predict, the odds are in your favor.

Learn more about how to maximize your earnings as a player here.

Creator: While you’re up to date with market trends, you’re less likely to take a position on an outcome unless you’re certain of success. Earn rewards for creating interesting and unique prediction markets on anything, whether crypto, sports, politics, or beyond. On FORE Predict, you become the bookmaker. Earn 0.5% of the total market size, regardless of the outcome.

Explore ways to earn rewards on FORE as a  creator here.

Validator: You’re highly analytical and believe in data-driven decision-making. You seek out sustainable of revenue generation and undertake significant due diligence. As an Analyst on FORE Predict, you control the outcome: earning compounding rewards for simply confirming the results of markets. Earn 2% of the total market size for accurate validation, proportional to the locked FORE in your analyst NFT.

Discover how you can maximize your earnings on FORE as a validator here.

Ready to evaluate your risk profile and identify where you fit in the FORE ecosystem? Answer a series of questions that explore your preferences, strategies, and outlook on the future of Web 3.0.

Get ready for mainnet with Ready Player FORE:

AMA with r/cryptocurrency

The FORE team joined Reddit’s #1 crypto community for another AMA with almost 7 million members. Check out our recap of the event.

DeFi prediction markets as a source of truth in an age of misinformation

AMA with r/cryptocurrency

Bigger Rewards Await The FORCE

Introducing The FORCE relaunched, with 50,000 FORE rewards available to earn through productive activity.

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